Page name: GO KILL YOURSELF [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-21 17:17:03
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(Although I'm sure most won't anyway)
Before you make any comment, before you come in there and tell me I suck, read the whole fucking thing. I'm really getting sick ofpeople coming in here and saying I'm a jackass,and I'm an asshole, when they don't even know what it is I'm talking about, because they haven't read the entire thing.


I do not give a flying fuck what you think about what I've written. In the last week, I've had two seprate youngins that somewhat fit the following description
message me, and tell me how wrong I am, or how stupid I am for my point of view. If you don't like it, FUCK OFF. I don't give a rats ass if you care or not. What's even funnier is that both of these youngins that have messaged me, didn't even know what they were talking about. Do I think that all 13-15 year old kids are depressed? No. Do I think that all kids that listen to Linkin Park and Evanesence are depressed? No. Do I have something against depressed people? No. I have something against kids that act like they're depressed because they think it's cool. Because they want people to pity them. Because they're too fuckin stupid to realize that life is not about the latest fucking band or acting cool.

The ones that don't seem to realize that they're just a bunch of fucking corprate tools that shop at Hot Topic and claim that they are "unique."

I hate to tell you, but you are not unique. You're fucking corprate tools. What is Hot Topic? A corperation. I don't wanna hear no shit about how you're a fucking individual. Grow up.

Now that it's been said, everything below is exactly as this wiki was and should be. Don't like it? Don't message me about it.
I don't give a fuck.
Kiss my ass, go to hell, or whatever else you would rather do.

*NEW* (26/26/05)*
You know, I was thinking about it earlier, and although music does play a huge part nin most of our lives, we are not the music we listen to. We are not defined by the bands we like.We as a people seem to put too much emphasis on the bands we listen to when forming relationships with other people... asif it's the only thing, we as human beings, should have in common with one another. I dont really think the music we listen to should dictate the rest of our behaviors. Thats what's wrong with this entire "goth/punk/emo" thing right now. You can ony be goth if you listen to the bands other goth kids listen to... or if you listen to punk bands, then you're only hardcore if you listen to bands nobody else has heard of.... it's pathetic really.... and it's only getting worse.

I finally realized the one thing that I hate worse than Wiggers! I absolutely, positiely and utterly LOATHE 13-15 year old kids that think it's "Cool" to be depressed. I've been browsing the random online members of this site, and unfortunately, about half the ones I found fit this category. We all know the type. They're like fourteen, and listen to Linkin Park, and Evanesence and think they're all goth, and spooky and shit. They talk about being suicidal because they think other people actually give a flying fuck what happens to them. They're the same kids that scream "accept me! accept me! accept me!" to the Ambercrombie and Fitch wearing crowd, but then scream about how much they hate preppies, ect. Just let me run into one of them in a dark alley, that is, if they weren't too scared to be alone in the dark.


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[-.-]: O.o why?

[The Right]: you know.... I had a buick once.... spent months making it drivable with my dad... then two days after we were done it got stolen out of my back yard... :(

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: dammit >_<

[-.-]: o.o

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: right....well if we keep doing eye then it'll all become eyes and then I really won't know what to say when I run out of them...

[-.-]: start over?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: the little eye things << >> ^_^ >_< >< -_- so on and so forth...if we continue to do them back and forth I'll eventually run out of them and feel like an idiot for not knowing what to say then..

[-.-]: LMAO! use every letter on they key bored!

[Lethargic Panda]: Because letters, unlike symbols, are limitless; especially 'cause there's twenty six, and that's basically the definition of limitless. And Schneider, would there be a possibility of incorporating an electric mixer of some sort?

[-.-]: Smart ass...

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: see there we go with the faces again. Heh. And personally, I don't think it's her ass that's being smart >_<

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Ahhhh now I've managed to include one...

[Lethargic Panda]: There we go with the thinking I'm a girl again. x.x

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Shit, I'm sorry....I have a habit of labeling gender *falls over*

[Lethargic Panda]: It's fine, most do. *needs to say 'boobs' more*

[-.-]: Unless your gay?

[Lethargic Panda]: I'm not, though. o.o

[-.-]: Really? Could of fooled me!

[Lethargic Panda]: That's so offensive coming from someone with your mental capabilities.

[The Axe Effect]: Nope, it's not offensive, really. you can say something that is blatantly obvious and with her mental capabilities she'd be fooled anyway. As for the electric mixer part... That's soooo last tuesday...

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Dood, last Tuesday sucked monkey balls for me. It really did feel like I was in a blender

[The Axe Effect]: See, We and we wouldn't want Impy's monkey balls sucked, now would we...?

[-.-]: Ouch.. im going..

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I'm cumming ;) (Just kidding) Nope I don't have balls...I'm a girl

[Lethargic Panda]: Does sucking monkey balls...feel like being in a blender? x.x

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Kinda....

[Lethargic Panda]: I see. o.o You poor, poor girl.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Heh, it's ok though. Today doesn't suck anything and I'm only sittng on the edge of the blender watching it swirl. w00tw00t ^_^ Prom's comes hell....

[Lethargic Panda]: Interesting; so you're looking forward to it then? *poke* Is you school? *shock*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I'm kinda looking foreward to it. Just because I feel stupidly like a girl today.... and Nope...not on at school. Sitting around my house skipping school...

[Lethargic Panda]: Such a badass, you are. :D I've not been to school for...three-ish days. ! ...I got asked to prom...a year in advance.

[Lethargic Panda]: I know, aren't I both awesome and special?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I don't know...maybe >_<

[Lethargic Panda]: Maybe this you decide...*nonchalantly slips you a 20*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: ooooooo you're...uhh....interesting *takes the 20 and buys something with it*

[Lethargic Panda]: A nice something?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Sure...a shiny fuzzy rainbow colored something

[Lethargic Panda]: ! That's the best kind of something. :D

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I know..w00tw00t

[Lethargic Panda]: We should throw a flamboyant tea party.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: sounds like an awesome idea...I'll bring along the shiny fuzzy rainbow colored thing

[Lethargic Panda]: ! We can take photos of it, with other stuff! It will be marvelous.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: w00t agreed totally *eats hair*

[Lethargic Panda]: *falls asleep in the corner*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *covers you with magic hoody* night night squishy...

[Lethargic Panda]: *is magically asleep* ^.^ Night night...*lacks a nickname for you at this given time*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *doesn't need a nickname at any given time* 

[Lethargic Panda]: Oh, well you shall have one, you shall have one. *nods knowingly*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *raises eyebrow under the hoody* fine..if i must >_<

[Lethargic Panda]: ...You covered me with the hoody. o.O Are you trying to put the moves on me? *has caught on to your plan*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: nah... you can stay under'll hide you from everyone that you don't want to see you. It's magic and pink floyd. I just peeked under it to make sure you were still there. *covers the hole back up and sits next to you unless you decide that you don't want me to see you*

[Lethargic Panda]: Very explanitory. !  Wanna mangle stuff?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Sure..can I burn it afterward too????? Please....

[Lethargic Panda]: It depends on how well you mangle. >.>

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I mangle ok....I bite things too ^_^

[Lethargic Panda]: !! Would you bite things in a box? How about with a fox?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Yes I would...

[Lethargic Panda]: On a train, or in the rain?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: juppers *three and a half thumbs up*

[Lethargic Panda]: *coughs up blood* ^.^

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: oh fun *puts a paper towel over that*

[Lethargic Panda]: An extra absorbent one...or just a normal one?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: extra absorbant..just for you...

[Lethargic Panda]: You always go the extra mile. :) How's ye?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Terrible at the moment....

[Lethargic Panda]: ...that's what happens when you don't mangle enough. :(

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I wouldn't be surprised....

[Lethargic Panda]: We should set a world record of some sort.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: That would be awesome. First we have to figure out the record right now for mangled stuff.

[Lethargic Panda]: Which record? Most mangled things, longest mangled thing, etc?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Hmm....we should find out information on all of them and go from there...

[Lethargic Panda]: Okay, you find information, I'll sit and do nothing, over there. *points off to the side*

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: heh you do that hehe

[Lethargic Panda]: Find anything yet? *gets impatient*

[The Axe Effect]: As the Hard-Working Schneider, I must stress that the record for most mangled thing is currently set at FUBAR, which in my humble opinion is kinda hard to beat... (taking into account that anything worse would only be more fubar...)

[Lethargic Panda]: We're in quite the pickle. What if we get something FUBAR, fix it (...somehow), and then make it FUBAR once more?

[The Axe Effect]: Hmmm... That might work

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Hmmm....very interesting. *hasn't the slightest clue at 7 am what the hell FUBAR is* So maybe we should mangle FUBAR and then all will be well....

[The Axe Effect]: Impy, It's Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. I vote for Brufa.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: oooooooo I see....once again. *makes herself look like an idiot* Thank you for ...uhh...informing..yea..I don't get out much -_-

[The Axe Effect]: I suspect they wouldn't let you if you'd wanted... That's besides the point. I just found out that there's another case of mistaken gender going on... I thought you'd be male. Sorry, didn't check...

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: That's quite alright. With my nickname being what it is MANY people get confused....I take no offence unless you're an asshole and you haven't proven yourself to be one so you're safe...

[Lethargic Panda]: Not to mention, your many manly mannerisms. *notices* Almost half of the words in that sentence began with 'man.' ^.^

[The Axe Effect]: Heh... Or at least one of em. But compared to the words that start with Woman... Well, the score is 1-0 which makes 'Man' infinitely more popular than 'Woman'... Oh... wait. You meant your own sentence... Sorry

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *blinks* Alright....I think. I have many manly mannerisms?

[Lethargic Panda]: Chauvinism is silly. :D And yes, yes you do. You you sit in your chair, scream for beer, slap people on the bottom, and...refuse to ask for directions, as men so obviously do...a lot. >.> Not to mention all of your racy comments about our bodies...

[Dark Sekret Love]: Dude.... I totally support this wiki and all... but come on... don't bash on HIM, I know TONS of fucks who ARE NOT DEPRESSED, DO NOT CUT, and Love HIM... Jesus... couldn't you put some like Dashboard Confessional... now THEY are EMO-tastic.

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Where is HIM mentioned? x.x

[Typical Cracka Behavior]: In one of the banners. Mmmm HIM. Come on, they do a cover of Wicked Game. God damn, HIM deserves a big fucking statue. I love it, and adore it like a puppy on crack.

[The Axe Effect]: They suck. Sorry, this is not a subjective opinion, I got statistical proof. HIM Sucks!

[Lethargic Panda]: I see! ^.^ I don't know how I missed that. And whether you like them or not, [The Right] is far too stuck in her way of thinking to change for you, and we all blindly support her wherever she may, you're just out of luck.

[The Axe Effect]: GO RIGHT! GO RIGHT! *does the silly dance with the fists making horizontal ellipses in front of my stomach*

[Lethargic Panda]: Someone who uses the word 'ellipses,' demonstrates an awfully large amount of free thinking. >.> Perhaps Schneider needs to spend some time in the box.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Hmmm....maybe. Personally, I don't care who HIM is but if you take your name from the general name of a gender then there's probably something wrong with you. I guess I'm emotastic...cuz I like Dashboard Confessionals. And no, I'm not impressed if HIM did Wicked Games by Chris Issak. Hoobastank was impressive when they did Girls Just Wanna Have Fun at one of their concerts.....fuck yea....

[Lethargic Panda]: Meh, I first heard about HIM a few years ago, before they blew up in the U.S...and I was just kind of indifferent on them. The fact that they've taken a classic inverted pentacle design, renamed it the "heartagram" and use it as their symbol makes me...dislike them more. As far as Hoobastank is concerned, I've always been rather indifferent on them as well, however, 'The Reason' is one of the most monotonously annoying songs I've ever heard. x.x

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: yea...but the rest of the cd is good

[Lethargic Panda]: Well, I've not risked listening to it. x.o

[Typical Cracka Behavior]: For impy: HIM= His Infernal Majesty

[Lethargic Panda]: That's what I thought too, but I read a supposed statement from Ville Valo, saying that it didn't. Not sure what's true anymore.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: that's a retarded name for a band anyway...his infernal majesty... *rolls eyes* Perfect little "goth" band for 13 year olds to listen to...whatever...

[Lethargic Panda]: *hums to Placebo* I've not listened to them for a while. Imper liker?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I love placebo ^_^ I lost the cd though :( about 30 of my cds got stolen awhile back...

[Lethargic Panda]: o.o From your house?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: No my cd case got stolen at school. I was enraged.....

[Lethargic Panda]: Depressing. v.v

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: It made my livid about killing freshman....but then I just kinda accepted my fate and went on with life...

[Lethargic Panda]: Did...a freshman take it?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: It's a great possibility because it a was a freshman class that I was in.

[Lethargic Panda]: I see. Hmm. You it safe...and destroy the world.

[The Right]: Alas I am back... computer has been fucked up for about a week, and I fixed it today... power supply problem. lol

[The Right]: I guess I don't really have anything agianst the band/guy whatever it is... I've never even listened to it... I just see it everywhere and I'm sick of seeing it... it seems every wannabe goth/emo kid has at least one HIM shirt... or that fucking heartagram or whatever it's called... it's fuckin stupid to me....

[Lethargic Panda]: We missed you!! :D

[Typical Cracka Behavior]: Ah, at least you don't have to deal with whiney little rich kids saying they're not emo, but being scene, (a word for emo style,) and listening to local "hardcore" bands. Hardcore of course being a louder and more annoying form of emo music.

[The Axe Effect]: Wonderful... I know HIM only from the powerpuff girls, and there he's this red guy with a goatee, small horns and a garterbelt and high leather boots... Rather sad, really...

[Dark Sekret Love]: Ah fuck. So I guess I am a wanna be emo/goth? I've liked HIM for a long fucking while. Pssht.

[The Axe Effect]: and as for that box thingy... I'll get you for that, pandaboy!

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: w00tw00t You are a wanna be emo/goth.... :P

[The Right]: twas just an observation....

[Dark Sekret Love]: XD Wow.

[Dark Sekret Love]: ICP licks balls by the way. ^^

[The Axe Effect]: Impy, I have to warn you against using that net-speak thingy.. You are walking the fine line right there... Dark Secret Love; Who the hell is ICP? I think I may want to meet her... (whoops... that;s my tuesday morning frustration showing itself again...)

[The Axe Effect]: heh... Wow. Never thought I had management skills...

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *salutes*

[Lethargic Panda]: I always knew Schneider was going places...always.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: So proud of Schneider *wipes away a tear*

[Lethargic Panda]: ...You sure you're not just trying to fit in? >.>

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Try and fit into what?

[Lethargic Panda]: Our tightly knit clique.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Nope, don't care for your clique....just playing around...

[Lethargic Panda]: *changes nonexistent misspelling* Our clique is the cool one though, you know you want in!

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: time for joining yours...

[Lethargic Panda]: Are you rejecting us? ...Perhaps you need to spend some the box...

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Bring it squishy!! *makes strong face at you...manages constipated look*

[The Axe Effect]: Impy, impy, impy.... How is it you have no time to be "in" with the cool clique, yet manage to publish not one, not two but *counts quickly* 4 (FOUR!) messages saying you are too busy? If you really were to busy, you'd not be sending messages and you know that...!

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I only see one....

[Lethargic Panda]: I see nearly sixteen.

[The Right]: that's your opinion about ICP... I happen to love them... but at least they aren't one of those whiney fucking bands that complain about how they don't get along with thier mom and dad... or thier significant (or insignificant) other.... fucking pussies...

[The Axe Effect]: Who is this ICP woman anyway?

[The Right]: That was beautiful. *wipes away tear*

[Lethargic Panda]: *is beautiful* *bows* How's Right?

[The Right]: juggling baby and work and this and that.... could be worse all things considered...... and lp?

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Crap...but nothing I can do, so oh well. ... When I read that, before I got past the first two words, I pictured you juggling a baby. x.x

[The Right]: litterlally huh? *thinks abou tit* I think she's a little off centered for me to attempt it... an d there's that whole flailing arms issue...

[Lethargic Panda]: Not to mentioned trying to figure out what you'd do if she started floating...and spitting acid, and generally being evil and foreign.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *blinks* fun...

[Lethargic Panda]: ...o.o How so?

[The Right]: *stares blankly* well, she already projectile-vomits..... the rest isn't really much of a stretch

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Can she spin her head all the way around?

[The Right]: not quite yet, although, when she's watchin her daddy walk outta the room, you almost would say she could

[Lethargic Panda]: ...We can mod her, so she can. ! I'll get the comically large mallet. :D

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: haha...I'll get the plastic gloves...

[Lethargic Panda]: And the ice pick?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *hands it to you*

[The Right]: I'll not be signing any release forms for this..... lol

[Lethargic Panda]: Would a stun gun kill a baby?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: What if you close your eyes and sign. OR...we could forge your signature..

[The Right]: *shudders* I don't even wanna think of the two possiblities..... you two are sick

[Lethargic Panda]: ...By you two, do you mean her?

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Or do you mean lethargic and the baby...

[The Right]: well, the baby is sick..... but that's a different kind........ you guys are just creepin me out. lol

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Sad. What's the baby have?

[The Axe Effect]: It just read your plans with the comically largse mallet... (Good one, that)

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: I hope the babies ok. ^_^

[Lethargic Panda]: *congratulates self*

[The Axe Effect]: *pets the panda* SIT!

[Lethargic Panda]: ...*walks four steps to the left* *sits*

[The Axe Effect]: WHOO HOO! IT WORKED!

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *blinks* woah...that was pretty cool.

[The Right]: she had a really bad fever, due to immunizations last week, and been puking and fussy due to teething....

[Lethargic Panda]: Does she have allergies? I'm allergic to penicillin. ^.^

[The Axe Effect]: Want some, Panda? Huh? Should I give you a little shot then? HUH? HUH? (sorry... living on sleep deprevation and coffee)

[Lethargic Panda]: I try to avoid it actually, it makes for an unpleasant experience. Why...not sleep?

[The Axe Effect]: Because I try to be a good employee...

[Lethargic Panda]: Awe, so you offer your nights? o.o

[The Axe Effect]: And so I work 12 fucking hours a day, travel to and from work in total some 1.5 hours a day, cook, eat, bathe and do other stuff for about 2 hours a day, enjoy some time with my woman - another 2 hours, Maybe watch some TV, write, read a book, whatever, for another 1 hour. That avarages to about 18 hours a day on 'Activities' and about 6 hours of sleep. Interesting, no?

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Yes'm. o.o Sleep is entertaining though. Agh, apparently a kid I knew died last night, of a stroke. 17 year olds aren't suppose to get strokes.

[Suicidal Moon]: My dad had a stroke unfortunatly It didn't kill him

[Lethargic Panda]: *feels too jaded to be facetious* *clears throat* Listen, you douche bag sack of crap, this wiki is blatantly abhorrent toward pseudo-suicidal fourteen year olds that feel the need to advertise their fictitious emotional states. While I've no doubt your difficulty comprehending this wikis primary significance is spawned from the level of your reading proficiency, there will be no patience held for you here. You're welcome to remain, however, I doubt you'll be liked.

[Kaori]: This wiki kicks ass. <3

[Lethargic Panda]: *pokes the you* ^.^

[The Right]: so.... anyway, who likes chicken mcnuggets?

[Lethargic Panda]: I haven't had chicken nuggets for a long while, and McNuggets...for a longer while. o.o

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: hahah i like them...

[Lethargic Panda]: They are good, me's just not had them. o.o

[Lethargic Panda]: *poke* How's?

[The Right]: *gets annoyed with McDonalds*

[Lethargic Panda]: Her job. x.o *guesses*

[The Axe Effect]: Slow fastfood... It sucks.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Meh...that is something I definitly got annoyed with while working at Burger King....bitchy costumers...

[The Axe Effect]: See, that's why I, the Schneidster, will always be more succesful than you: I would never admit - if it were true, that is - ever having worked in a Mc D. Burger King, Lefty's, Pizza Hut, KFC or whatever. You don't want to advertise that, impy, really you don't.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Meh...I may not but it does pay....

[The Axe Effect]: Tell that to mr. Trump... See if he'll trade...

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Ha!...I'll never be that rich....

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